Acai Berry Increase Metabolism

Acai berry increase metabolism - Metabolism, is the total number of calories burned by your body each day. Sixty-five percent of the calories used to carry out the functions of breathing and circulation for 24 hours of brain, liver, heart, and kidneys are the most high-calorie burner while the other 10 percent is devoted to the process of digesting food. The remaining 25 percent of the calories you burn associated with physical activity you do in a day. The more muscle you have, the more calories burned. Muscle tissue, the average burn 14 calories per 500 gram per day, while fat only burns about three calories per 500 grams.

How to spur back metabolism? Metabolism slows down over time. Metabolism decreased by 2 to 4 percent per decade along with the loss of muscle mass. So, when you are in their twenties, your body burns 2,000 calories per day, 10 years later until the mid-thirties you can burn at least 1,920 calories per day. At first glance not much difference until you do the math. There is an extra 80 calories per day which translate into 4 kilogram of body weight for a year, unless you exercise to cope.

If the pattern of your life used to consume foods that are very low in calories - about 400 to 800 calories per day - your body's metabolism will drop by 15 to 20 percent. Eating less than 900 calories per day will force your body to burn muscle tissue as well as fat, which can result in a decrease in metabolic rate of the body more. It is advisable to maintain a calorie intake of 1200-1500 calories per day, that way you can still be slim without having to sacrifice the body's metabolism. By doing what is recommended, then 90% reduced substances of your body is fat.

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Acai berry is the fruit of a tall tree a kind of a palm tree, which originally came from the area of ​​Central America and South America. Acai berry has become a favorite alternative for health and a healthy diet program in the United States in recent years. In fact after doing research on the acai berry fruit say that Acai berry is in fact contain high antioxidant that is up to 50 times higher than mangoes, even 10 times higher than wine, and six times higher than blueberries, 3 times higher than prune, and 2 times higher than the fruit mangosteen and pomegranate. so it is believed effective in fighting the effects of free radicals that can cause damage to human cells or decrease in the function of cells in the human body and can increase your risk of premature aging.

Acai berry is one of the natural sources of anthocyanins, which is one type of antioxidant that is very powerful, as it also Acai berry fruit contains essential fatty acids, and amino acids and sterols. The content of sterols can help to keep cholesterol levels in the body that is safe in normal range in humans or that living things. The compound itself interchangeable also useful to help or maintain a healthy body and a strengthening of the immune system in the human body.

Do you know? Acai berry is included in the list of 10 HOT FOOD useful for ageless, HEALTHIER, and EXTEND AGE.

Because acai berry fruit rich in fiber, so it can make ourselves quickly feel full stomach or not hungry and obviously retentive appetite to eat very effective. Without having to disturb the conditions of energy in the body that we use for the activity.