Acai berry Diabetes Benefits

Acai berry Diabetes Benefits - Diabetes is a condition, blood sugar rises resulting from some food sources of carbohydrates. Carbohydrate foods that we eat have sugar which will be released in the blood. When the blood sugar in the body, the body will release insulin, which helps convert sugar in the blood and then inserted into body cells that can become the energy source of the body.

For diabetics, there are some healthy foods that can reduce the danger of diabetes. These foods can normalize blood sugar levels in the body. The following foods are good for diabetics: spinach, olive oil, garlic, fat-free yogurt, oatmeal, brown rice, fruit of the acai berry.

Acai berry has characteristics similar to other berries, are round with red color somewhat purplish. Acai berry has a very high antioxidant content. Besides the acai berry also contains anthocyanins and flavonoids that give red, blue and purple on the skin of fruit. Anthocyanins and flavonoids itself a high antioxidant which can help defend the body against free radical attack and pressure of daily stress.

Here is the nutritional content and nutrients in acai berry fruit, namely: antioxidant, anthocyanins, omega 3, omega 6 and omega 9, amino acids, phosphorus, iron, calcium, potassium, vitamin B1, vitamin b2, vitamin B3, vitamin c, vitamin e, dietary fiber, protein, phytosterols. Diabetes related to acai berry benefits, the following explanation:

1. Acai berry contains Anthocyanins

These compounds are found in many fruits that have a darker skin color, including the acai berry. It is for the body is to keep blood vessels from damage due to viruses or harmful bacteria. Lainnyan organs also participate as updated by anthocyanins such as the stomach, lungs and kidneys that do not develop cardiovascular disease. Anthocyanins are also able to keep the brain from abnormal cell growth and could be a natural anti-inflamai. It is able to detect the excess hormones in the body is able to minimize the occurrence of diabetes.

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2. Acai berry contains Omega 3

Omega 3 including a family of unsaturated fat that is needed by the body. Unsaturated fat is quite easy to be found simply by eating fish regularly. Its efficacy is very likely one keep the heart in order to stay healthy. Omega 3 is also able to give a positive effect to the eye in early childhood, protecting the brain and increase its performance to continue to increase, providing nutrition for pregnant women, abstain from malignant diseases such as Alzheimer's, help cure diabetes and be inflammatory if the organ in experience inflammation.

3. Acai berry contains Omega 6

Linoleic acid (Omega 6) are essential fatty acids required by the body. Its usefulness is very much one of them can keep you from diabetes. When consumed regularly with the adjusted levels will maintain the balance of cholesterol in the body, is able to keep the heart from malignant diseases such as arterial blockage and swelling, neutralize the flow of blood so far from high blood pressure and keep the bones from erosion.

4. Acai berries contain Vitamin E

To resolve an environment with pollution that can damage the body, use of vitamin E as a solution. The function of vitamin E can keep away from infectious diseases such as herpes viruses, keep away from diseases related to the respiratory system and can prevent diabetes. Being an antidote to the toxicity of drugs and can keep the brain nerves significantly.

Thus information about acai berry benefits diabetes. Hopefully useful and please read our other articles!