Acai Berry For Cancer Cure

Acai berry for cancer cure - Studies show regular consumption of acai berries can prevent cancer. Anthocyanins in the Acai berry helps in blocking carcinogenesis (the process of cancer formation) at the molecular level resulting in tumor cell death. Therefore, people suffering from leukemia should include acai berry in their daily diet to destroy leukemia cells.

Content of antioxidants in the acai berry by ORAC score reached 167, while blueberries are two of only 32 ranks, followed by apple which only has a score of 14.

Acai berry is rich in anthocyanin and flavonoid content. Anthocyanin pigments that give black and purple is a great antioxidant to prevent damage to body cells that trigger cancer.

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Butylosar contained in the acai berry has properties for:
  • strengthen the body's immune cells
  • turn power on spleen cells
  • raise the pH of body fluids so as to create alkaline environment
  • strengthen the immune system against cancer cells
  • enhance cancer cell killing function
In a study on anti tumor, the results showed that the suppressor Butylosar have against the spread of tumor cells, but it also can stimulate the immune system, and promote cell growth Limphe and pancreas.

Cancer hazard lies in the possibility of transition. The ability of Butylosar for pressing nature of this transition has been recognized by biologists various countries through different ways and in its use to patients also showed high efficacy.

In addition the acai berry for cancer cure, the ability of Butylosar molecules attached to the cell surface of blood vessels. With so may help prevent tumor cells attach to the cell surface.