Tips for Safe Eating Acai Berry During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, the doctor always warns that pregnant women do not do a diet to reduce weight.

When pregnant, not only mothers, but the fetus also requires nutrients to be able to grow optimally.

But after knowing one of the benefits of Acai berry that can help lose weight, pregnant women may be interested to try and see if there is indeed a result.

You may be interested in trying Acai berry juice or a mixture of juice that contains Acai berry and see what happens.

But wouldn't all pregnancy books warn not to drink supplements while pregnant? So, is it safe to consume Acai berry while pregnant?

Acai Berry juice is safe to consume while pregnant. Only, the juice should be pasteurized before drinking it. This prevents the presence of harmful bacteria that can enter the body of the pregnant mother.

The juice can be directly consumed without having to be pasteurized if immediately drunk as soon as it finishes making it. This is obviously rare, as the juice is generally bought in an already-finished state without having to squeeze from the fresh fruit.

The Acai berry juice can be drunk in pure form or blended with other juices to get additional health benefits.

If you want to use Acai berry supplements, talk first with a doctor about their safety when used during pregnancy. Acai Berry supplements are generally sold in capsule form.

Caution is indispensable as many supplements contain additives such as caffeine. So make sure to read the label first before deciding to use it.

So in general, Acai Berry is safe to be consumed by pregnant women, of course by considering such things as already reviewed above.

Acai Berry to Improve Libido in Man

A healthy and powerful libido is important to enjoy passion and satisfying sex. Libido refers to your sexual desires and this will be unfortunate when most men begin to lose their libido as age is increasingly aging. Although age is one of the factors that affect libido as testosterone levels in your body begin to dip with age, there are other problems that can also take toll on your sexual health.

Increased stress, low blood flow to the penis, low testosterone levels and reduced nitric oxide secretion are some of the factors that can affect male libido. 

Here are some ways to increase libido in men:

Maintaining the mineral load

There are certain minerals that are necessary for proper sexual function in men and their flaws cause not only a decrease in libido, but also cause erection problems. Here are some of these minerals:


Almost half of the selenicity in your body is present in your testicles and sperm tract and you lose with any ejaculation. It is important to have enough of this mineral in your body to ensure good libido and erectile function.


This is the main mineral that your body needs in tiny amounts on the production of male sex hormones - testosterone. Reducing zinc levels in your body can lead to low testosterone production, which can lower your libido. Not only that, zinc is also important for cement production. Zinc deficiency also causes infertility in men.


Your body needs this mineral for the production of dopamine, which has an impact on your libido or libido.

One of the best ways to increase these minerals in your body is foods such as salmon and sardines, animal proteins such as sheep, beef, etc., dairy and poultry products, nuts and nuts, etc.,

The Importance of L-Arginine

This is not only L-arginine, an amino acid that can be very useful in boosting libido in men. This helps to increase testosterone production in your body. Not only does that, it also helps with the synthesis of nitric oxide, which helps to increase blood flow to the penis, resulting in a harder and stiffer erection.

Not only that, regular exercise, adequate sleep and reduced stress also help to increase libido in men.

The natural enhancers of libido

Natural or herbal supplements are one of the best ways to boost your libido and ensure solid erectile stones. These supplements are made with some of the best herbs and other natural ingredients that have been used since age to increase libido and correct sexual problems in men.

Some first-class supplements for men include ingredients such as ginkgo biloba, ginseng, tribulus, tongat ali, acai berry, etc.

These pills not only increase blood flow to the penis, but also stimulate the production of testosterone and HGH in your body. This not only helps you improve your libido, but also helps slow down and even reverse the effects of age.

Such information about "Acai Berry to Improve Libido in Man" may be useful for you
